Architecture is a drug and it happens to be my drug of choice. I choose it because I am pretty certain my next high will be the ultimate high. Architecture is the MSG in cheap Chinese food. Architecture is the cubic zirconia of gemstones. Architecture is butter on a turd. Architecture is the wingdings of font types. Architecture speaks Chinese. I speak American. Architecture is a country club member, wealthy and judgmental. Architecture is a 9 year old's tree house. No girls allowed. If professions were color-coded, Architecture would be black. If Architecture were a food group, it would be candy. If Architecture were a television channel, it would be MTV. Architecture is your grandmother trying to convince you that peas will make you grow big and strong. Architecture is nauseously hypocritical and I am a case in point because, like Architecture, I hide my ignorance with sardonic one-liners. Architecture is the crease in my forehead.